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Jumat, 12 Agustus 2016

procedure text: Jumbled sentence

1.    Arrange these sentences below to form a sequential order!
1)   Grate the cheese into the bowl and stri.
2)   Turn the omlette with a spatula when it is brown.
3)   Firts, crack two eggs into a bowl
4)   Heat a cooking oil in a frying pan and pour the mixture into the frying pan
5)   Cook both sides until done and remove. The omlette is ready to serve
6)   Whisk the eggs with a fork until smooth

A.  3-6-1-4-2-5                                                                       D. 3-2-4-1-6-5
B.   3-5-1-2-4-6                                                                       E. 3-1-6-4-2-5
C.   3-2-6-1-4-5

2.    Arrange these sentences below to form a sequential order!
1)   Dredge the shrimp in flour. Then, dip shrimp into eggs, then press shrimp into bread crumbs. Coat the shrimp on both sides
2)   Finally, use tongs to transfer the shrimp to paper towel to drain. Arrange shrimp on a plate and serve.
3)   First of all, peel and devein one pound of shrimp. Set aside.
4)   Next, mix 1/3 cup of flour, ¾ teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon of black pepper in another medium bowl.
5)   Crunchy fried shrimp is a delectable dish. This is how to make it.
6)   Second, bet three eggs in a medium sized bowl until frothy. Set aside. It will be used to coat the shrimp.
7)   As the shrimp has been coated thoroughly, deep-fry the shrimp thhorouhly cooked.

A.  3-4-6-1-7-5-2                                                                    D. 5-3-4-6-7-1-2
B.   3-6-1-5-7-4-2                                                                    E. 5-3-6-4-1-7-2
C.   3-6-4-5-1-7-2

3.    Arrange these sentences below to form a sequential order!
1)   Sitting on a bike, make sure you know where the bikes are and how to operate them
2)   You have to learn to balance the bike. Find a person who can hold your bike behind you and try to go steady as you pedal it
3)   Finally, you have to practice. Once you can balance, pedal, start, and stop, you are bicycle rider. Congratulation!
4)   As you gain experience, raise the seat up so that only your toes can touch the ground while you are seated.
5)   When you are ready, ride alone. But first, lower the seat until you can sit and put both feet flat on the ground
6)   After practicing for a couple minutes, the person can release his or her hands while you try to keep your balance
           A.  1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6                                                         D. 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 3
           B.   1 – 2 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3                                                         E. 1 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 6 – 4
            C.    1 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 3

4.    The best arrangement of the following sentence is …..
1)      We have to jog at least three times a week or every other day.
2)      We can jog on the streets, in the big squares, in the park, etc.
3)      We only need a pair of running shoes, a sport shirt, shorts, and socks.
4)      So, don’t jog only on Sundays.
5)      Jogging does not need a lot of money.
6)      If we want to make our body fit.
A.  6-1-2-4-5-3                                                                       D. 6-1-5-3-2-4
B.   5-2-6-1-3-4                                                                       E. 5-3-6-1-4-2
C.   5-3-2-6-1-4
5.    Arrange the sentences into a readable paragraph.
1)   Difficulties subsequently arose over exact values.
2)   A cow or a sheep must be fed and cared for.
3)   But the buyer might not be willing to part with two cows.
4)   A man who wanted to sell something might find that what he owned was worth
more than one cow.
5)    Some animals are fat and some are lean
A.  1-3-5-4-2                                                                          D. 5-4-2-3-1
B.   4-2-5-3-1                                                                          E.  2-5-4-3-1
C.   2-3-5-4-1

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