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Jumat, 12 Agustus 2016

Procedure Text: The best way to have lunch

 Soal Latihan Ujian Nasional Beserta jawaban:

The best way to have lunch at school?
1.      Bring a healthy packed lunch from home. It can avoid wasting time in the line in the school canteen. Students have their break time simultaneously. They will rush to the canteen. Sometimes you have to go back to the class even though you have not had your lunch yet.
2.      Enjoy various kinds of favorite foods that you might not find at the school cafe like mom’s chicken soup, pita bread and some chips.
3.      Prepare food full of energy for tight school activities. For example, combination of protein and carbohydrates. You have to maintain the nutrition inside the food.
4.      Do not buy fast-food lunch out of school. Bringing your packed lunch will make you stay away from fast-food. People say that fast food is rubbish, because it does not give nutrition you need. Additionally, it will help you save your money.

1.    What is the purpose of the text?
A.     informing how to avoid food temptations       
B.     showing the importance of healthy lunch snacks
C.     describing the bad impact of fast food lunch
D.     giving advice on how to have lunch at school
E.      giving suggestion to maintain the nutrition food intake.
2.    What is the advantage of bringing healthy packed lunch from home?
A.     avoid unused nutrition                                                           D. preventing us from buying fast food
B.     preventing you to go back to class soon.                                E. avoiding wasting your energy
C.     maintaining the carbohydrates inside a fast food
3.    “...maintain the nutrition inside the food.”
         What does the underlined word mean?
A.     keep                           C. deal with                 E. run about
                  B.   look for                           D. put down

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