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Senin, 22 Agustus 2016

Announcement text: The jakarta post

Soal Latihan Ujian Nasional Beserta jawaban: 
The Jakarta Post, a leading English- language daily newspaper, requires a qualified reporter. The following qualifications are required :
1.      Indonesian citizen 5. Not more than 26 years old
2.      university degree 6. pleasing personality, highly motivated and dynamic
3.      willing to take a series of tests 7. Able to operate a computer
4.      Good understanding of English, TOEFL score at least 550
5.      Please send an application letter in English, a copy of current curriculum vitae, a photocopy of identification card, a photocopy of diploma, a photocopy of TOEFL score, a sample of writing in English, and a recent passport sized photograph to Human Resources Manager 
The Jakarta Post PO BOX Palmerah, Jakarta, 11001
Application should reach us before March 20, 2015
1.       Under what heading is this text likely found?
A.   housing                        B. education                D. furniture                  D. job vacancy                        E. travel agency
2.      The Jakarta Post is looking for a person who is qualified in ... .
A.   teaching english                                                           D. writing news report
B.   making a series of tests                                                            E.  leading a daily newspaper
C.   being a human resource manager
3.      The Jakarta Post, a leading English language daily newspaper, requires a qualified reporter.
The underlined word means ....
A.   hires                 B. finds                                    D. needs                      D. looks                       E. employs

Announcement text : Call for proposal

 Latihan soal Ujian Nasional
(Funded by the European commission)

The ongoing outbreaks of H5N1 Avian Influenza in Indonesia have had a significant impact. Since august 2003, more than 10 million livestock have been affected and the H5N1 virus has crossed the species barrier resulting in at least 135 confirmed human cases with 110 deaths. Moreover, the potential exists for the H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus to trigger a human pandemic.
Research on clinical disease, virology and epidemiology of H5N1 in Indonesia is needed to understand the ecology and variability in transmission to human. To foster essential research, WHO requested for proposal that will then be evaluated through a review process. The awards will then be made to competent researchers and institutions focuses on research of local scientists and public health professionals.
Areas for research include:
1. Studies of disease ecology, transmission and epidemiology.
2. Studies of clinical spectrum and management of disease.
Detailed information of call for proposal, include: application and assessment process, assessment criteria and deadline of proposal submission, is attached and available at WHO Indonesia Country Office web- site.                                         

1.      Who are specifically invites to send research proposals?
A.   Scientists and professionals from around the world     D. health institutions in indonesia
B.   Indonesian scientists and public health professionals  E. researchers specializing in H5N1 virus
C.   professionals researchers in health sciences
2.      ."...for the H5N1 Avian Influenza virus to trigger a human pandemic"(line 4-5)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to....
A.   to impact          B. to share                   C. to increase               D. to immune               E. to cause
3.      The ongoing outbreaks of H5N1 Avian Influenza....(line 1)
A.   continuous       B. temporal                  D. curret                      D. subsequent              E. previous

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2016

Explanation text : Planes

Soal Latihan Ujian Nasional Beserta jawaban:
All planes need air to pressure under their wings to stay up in the air. As they move forward. The higher air pressure underneath their wings pushes them upward and gives them lift.
The smooth, streamlined shape of the plane allows the air to flows easily over its surface. This helps to reduce the drag caused by the air pushing against the plane and allows it to move rapidly through the air.
Planes move forward using engines. This movement is called thrust. Moving forward keeps a stream of moving air passing over the wings. If the engines fail, theplanes will begin to descend very quickly.
The air above the wing moves faster, so it is at a lower pressure than the air under the wing.
The air under the wing moves more slowly and is slightly squashed, so it is at a higher pressure than the air above the wing.
1.      What does the text describe?
A.  how the wings of a plane work                                         D. how the plane move forward
B.   how the plane is made                                                      E. the engine of a plane
C.   how a plane flies
2.      “This helps to reduce the drag caused by the air pushing against the plane and allow it to move more rapidly through the air”(Paragraph 2) the underlined word can be replaced by....
A. slowly                   B. quickly                    C smoothly                  D. gradualy           E. immediately
3.      Movement planes forward using engines is called....
A. trust                      B. thurst                       C. Squash                    D. thrust               E. streaming
4.      “.....the planes will begin to descend very quickly” underlined word means..
A. go over                 B. go up                       C. landing                    D. starting            E. ending
5.      Which statement is false accroding the text..
A. all planes need air to presure under their wings to stay up in the air
B.   streamlined shape of the plane allows the air to flows easily over its surface
C.    planes move forward using engines
D.   moving forward keeps a stream of moving air passing over the wings
E.   planes movement forward is calling as streamlined.
         6.      The air under the wing moves more slowly and is slightly squashed, so...
A.it is at a lower pressure than the air under the wing.                      
B. it is at a higher pressure than the air above the wing.
C. allows the air to flows easily over its surface
D.a stream of moving air passes over their wings
E. the wings move forward