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Selasa, 15 November 2016

Announcement text: Northeast Electric Company

Soal Latihan Ujian Nasional Beserta jawaban:

Northeast Electric Company
Account # 0725 6880 243 9379
The due date on your bill has passed and we have not received your payment. Unless we receive a payment of ₤53.30 by 7-10, we must interrupt your service. If interrupted, you will be charged £14.00 for re connection, which can take up to 24 hours. We will also request an additional deposit. If we do not receive payment within ten days after interruption, we will discontinue your service. If you decide to resume service later, a re installation charge of ₤42.50 will apply. If you have any questions concerning your bill or this notice, please call us.

1.      What is the letter about?
A.   telephone service                                               D. payment service
B.   electric service                                                   E. station service
C.   water service
2.      What is the purpose of this letter?
A.   to request payment of a delinquent account.     D. to apologize for interrupted service.
B.   to remind a connection service.                         E. to offer improved services.
C.   to announce a rate change.

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