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Selasa, 06 Desember 2016

Final Test Enhancement


Name/Class:  .............................................................

Read the text carefully and answer the questions!
The following text is for questions no 1-3
Giraffe is the highest animal in the world. Its height can reach 4.8 to 5.5 meters and its weight about 1360 pounds. Giraffe has a unique characteristic. They have a very long neck and two small horns on its head. Giraffes have big brown eyes and protected by thick and long eyebrows. Her body is covered with a unique pattern that is attached by brown spots all over their body.
      Just like camels, giraffes can survive without drinking for long time because giraffes can rely on the water contained in leaves they eat. Giraffes are very selective in choosing food. They always eat young leaves that grow in the tree tops. Their tongue shaped like a knife help them to cut branches which are very hard.
      Female giraffes can start pregnant at the age of five years, with a gestation period of 15 months. Commonly female giraffe bear one baby, but sometimes two babies at once. Giraffes bear its baby with a standing position. When the baby is about to be born, they just drop it to the ground from a 1.5 meter of height. Baby giraffe can stand with about 20 minutes since being born, and begin breastfeeding within an hour of birth.

1.    Why can giraffes survive without drinking for long time?
2.     What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
3.    What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

The following text is for questions no 4-5
Jakarta: A man was killed in a collision between a bus and a motorcycle. Toni Saptian (49) was found dead at the site after the scene of the accident. At that time, he was driving a Suzuki Skywave motorcycle.
The accident, occurring in industrial areas, Plumpang, Jakarta Utara, attracted people’s attention while they were passing by. An eyewitness said, “I was surprised to hear the loud crash and the sound of tires screeching. Then, I saw a man lying on the road suffering from severe injuries to his head. He died then and there.” The local police officer, AKP Turyono, explained the chronology of the accident. “He went through the bus way lane. Then, he slipped because the separator is too high. A bus came from behind. It was too close for the bus to stop.”
This incident is still under investigation by North Jakarta police. The victim was immediately brought to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hostipal (RSCM).

4. What does the text talk about?
5. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? 

The following text is for questions no 6-10
Photosynthesis is the process of converting solar energy to chemical energy and storing it in bonds of sugar. This process occurs in plants and some algae (Kingdom Protista). Plants need only solar energy, CO2 and H2O to make sugar. The process of photosynthesis takes in the chloroplasts, specifically using chlorophyll, the green pigment involved in photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis takes place primarily in plant leaves, and little to none occurs in stems, etc.
The parts of a typical leaf include the upper and lower epidermis, the mesophyll, the vascular bundle(s) (veins), and the stomates. The upper and lower epidermal cells do not have chloroplasts, thus photosynthesis does not occur there. They serve primarily as protection for the rest of the leaf. The stomates are holes which occur primarily in the lower epidermis and are for air exchange: they let CO2in and O2out. The vascular bundles or veins in a leaf are part of the plant's transportation system, moving water and nutrients around the plant as needed. The mesophyll cells have chloroplasts and this is where photosynthesis occurs.
As you hopefully recall, the parts of a chloroplast include the outer and inner membranes,inter membrane space, stroma, and  thylakoids stacked in grana. The chlorophyll is built into the membranes of the thylakoids.
Chlorophyll looks green because it absorbs the red and blue light, making these colors unavailable to be seen by our eyes. It is the green light which is not absorbed that finally reaches our eyes, making chlorophyll appear green. However, it is the energy from the redand blue light that are absorbed that is, thereby, able to be used to do photosynthesis. The green light we can see is not/cannot be absorbed by the plant, and thus can not be used to do photosynthesis

6.    What is the function of the upper and lower epidermis?
7.    What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
8.    What is the main idea of paragraph 4?
9.    The passage indicates that photosynthesis takes place in ....
10.    Find 2 technical terms, along with the definition, used in the text! 

Send your work to my email : misbah.sun13@gmail.com


Name/Class:  .............................................................

Answer the questions below correctly! 

 1. When do you use passive sentence?
      Move to active sentence
 2. Fierce demonstration were made by a lot of muslim protesters in Jakarta due to blasphemy (penistaan agama)
 3. The structure of the DNA was discovered by Albert Einstein some years ago.
     Move to passive sentence
 4. People see this beach as the most beautiful in the country.
 5. The teacher chooses her to receive the award 

 The following text is for questions no 6-7
Is your refrigerator getting messy and dirty? I’ll advise you on how to clean it.
     First of all, prepare a cloth, a dish towel, a knife or spatula, vinegar and some water.Then, empty the refrigerator. Place the things on the table or in empty baskets. Throw out aged or inedible food. Toss out anything you don’t use regularly.
    After that, defrost the refrigerator. Use a knife or spatula to gently remove the ice built-up on the shelves and dispose of it.
    Next, wipe your refrigerator inside and outside using a cloth, vinegar and water. Rinse the cloth properly with clean water. Also, do not neglect to clean the door.
     Finally, use the dish towel to dry the refrigerator. Let it dry thoroughly before you replace everything. You should keep your refrigerator organized with meat, cheese and butter on one shelf. It will be better if you store raw meat on the bottom shelf to avoid meat juices dripping on to the sehelf below. Put the vegetable in the crisper.
     Clean your refrigerator once a mount. Please remember, do not wash a cold glass shelf with hot water. The sudden temperature change could shatter the glass.

 6. Analyze the language features of the text above:
        a. Simple present (provide 2 examples)
        b. Impertaive sentence (provide 2 examples)
7. Why is forbidden to wash a cold glass shelf with hot water?

 The following text is for questions no 8-10

          Here is how to polish your shoes to shine.
1)   Wipe off dust with a slightly wet cloth. Place some polish on a rubbing instrument.
2)   Apply polish in a small, circular movements to evenly cover each shoe.
3)   When the polish is “gone”, spray each shoe until it is covered with tiny water droplets and then polish dry.
4)   Finally repeat Steps 2 trough until you reach the level of shine you want or need.
5)   Make sure that polish reaches the creases of each shoe (if they have any).
6)   Let the polish “go off” on each shoe (preferably in the sun or near a warm heater) for 2 to 3 minutes.

8. Arrange these sentences below into a good order!  
     9. Find  2 examples of adverbial phrases of the text above!
    10. What is the step done after applying polish to evently cover the shoes? 

Send your work to my email : misbah.sun13@gmail.com


Name/Class:  .............................................................

The following text is for questions no 1-2
Hi, Guys! Our neighborhood will hold a Fund Raising Activity next month. It is intended to help victims of the landslide which happened yesterday. Everyone who is interested in this activity, please join us. You are also invited to donate your used clothes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Maryam as chief program coordinator at her house from 07.00 a.m. – 03.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.


1. What is the announcement about?
2. Who is the participant of this acticity?  

 The following text is for questions no 3-4

To All Third Grade Students

All library books have to be returned on the twenty-second of May, 2009. They should be covered with non-colorful wrapping plastic. Lost books must be replaced with the ones of similar subjects. Fine will be charged to the late return of the books. Students who have handed on all books will get receipts that have to be submitted to the administration officers.
Library Staff

3. What is informed on the announcement?
4. What will happen if the book you borrowed is lost? 

The following text is for questions no5-6

“Multicultural Education of Indonesia in Surabaya” is proud to present Ms. Jane Batubara, a well-known educator and researcher in multiculturalism. She was appointed Principal of Jasmine International School in 2014, and since then she has conducted many studies on multiculturalism in formal education. Ms. Batubara will be in Surabaya on the 1st  and 2nd of August 2015 to talk on “Multicultural Education for the Youth.”
 During the talk, the participants will be provided with information on how to:
a.   Obtain a wholly approach to multicultural aducation.
b.   Teach the youth to appreciate differences
Registration for the talk is FREE
Please call Rina at (031) 715632 for seat reservation.
5. The text aims to.... 
6. Analyze the suffixes on the text above! (Provide 2 examples) 

The following text is for questions no 7-10

                 Get ready for our team-building exercise!

On Thursday, December 13, 2016, the company will hold a whole-day team-building exercise at the Claremont Beach Resort in San Diego.
The activities in the morning will be done in the following order: bounty-hunting, tug-of-war, boat-building, and team relay. After lunch, we will do puzzle-solving exercises in separate groupings.
We are doing these exercises to promote the following skills in the organization: creativity, innovation, flexibility, and teamwork. The full participation of everyone is encouraged.
Assembly will be at the campus cafeteria. We will have breakfast there at 6:30 a.m. and the company bus will leave at exactly 8:00 a.m. Casual dress and sports get-ups are musts. We will have lunch and snacks at the beach resort.

7. What is the purpose of the activity?  
8. Analyze the suffixes on the text above! (Provide 2 examples) 
9. Find the example of simple future in the text above! (Provide 2 example) 
10. How long does the team-building exercise take place? 

Send your work to my email : misbah.sun13@gmail.com